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Thiru.M.Venkatachalan D.A.,
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Anaysis of 2nd house-Wealth
We know that the twelve bhavas/houses in a horoscope represents all aspects of human life ranging from health, education, marriage, occupation, earnings, etc., Indian Astrology give us numerous tools to predict the strength of a given bhava and the time of realization of the results of that bhava.
The second house or Dhana bhava is house of wealth or money. From this house we can predict amount of wealth one will acquire, source of that wealth etc., Also represents family, happiness,letters,education,learning,food,taste,acquisitions from father, speech and eyes, death. Jupiter/Guru is the karaka(significator) planet for this house. According to Maharshi parashara this bhava indicates Wealth, grains (food etc.), family, death, enemies, metals, precious stones etc.
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