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service? We offer free and accurate horoscope / kundli match. The
service is available currently in Tamil and English.
We have a panel of eminent and
experienced astrologers to answer you queries. Solve your problems in
marriage, education, profession, health, finance with the help of
cell: 93630 46875 (English/Tamil)
Thiru.M.Venkatachalan D.A.,
cell: 7904866877 (Tamil)
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Lifetime readings based on Vimshottari dasa
For the prediction of events ancient maharishi devised dasa systems. There are several dasa systems like yogini dasa, kalachakra dasa, vimshottari dasa. Maharishi Parasara explains about 40 dasa systems in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra. Of these systems Vimshottari dasa system is widely accepted and used among Indian astrologers. It is based on the Nakshatra occupied by the moon at the time of birth. The nine planets are given a total of 120 years and they will give results in the order Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury. The first planet will be decided based on the longitude of Moon at the time of birth.
Our Vimshottari dasa readings will be good astrological guidance and advice delivered at the right time to decide in marriage, profession, children, health and other important matters in life. For customized readings please contact us.
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