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Introduction to Marriage Matching Astrology

The objective of these articles is to put in a concise form of all the essential astrological principles related to marriage matching so that the readers can easily get all the information at one place. The aim of the astrology is to dispel the fear of the unknown and to give scope for the free play of the human spirit. The subject of astrology is vast and these articles will shed some light on the vast ocean of astrology and these information have been gathered from many acknowledged sources. With these articles a man can use his own judgement instead of wholly depending on the astrological consultant

In India there is a popular proverb on marriage, "Marriages are made in Heaven". This indicates marriage has divine approval and blessings. But still one needs to look for the right mate. Male and female are but two aspects or two sides of Nature. Hence it is natural for them to be united. However, marriage is but a gross reflection of the grand spiritual union. In India marriage is considered as a relationship which will last thousand years. It confers equality on both the partners in matters of 'Dharma' - right conduct, 'Artha' - financial position, 'Kama' - sex reaction and 'Moksha' - liberation or emancipation. The ancients have, therefore called the wife a housewife, a minister, a friend and a servant. She participates in her husbands happiness, sorrow, difficulties etc. She bear his children, bring them up as good citizens.

Anxiety in regard to marriage is all the greater as the selection is made only once in a life time. Marriage is not an invitation for brute sense-gratification. Nor it is a civil agreement that affects only the partners. It is in fact the basis of the family, therefore its dissolution as well as the formation is a matter of social interest.