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Are looking for a horoscope matching
service? We offer free and accurate horoscope / kundli match. The
service is available currently in Tamil and English.
We have a panel of eminent and
experienced astrologers to answer you queries. Solve your problems in
marriage, education, profession, health, finance with the help of
cell: 93630 46875 (English/Tamil)
Thiru.M.Venkatachalan D.A.,
cell: 7904866877 (Tamil)
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Panel of our astrologers.

Astro Thanikasalam: He is a south Indian living in Tamilnadu. His native is the holy place rameshwaram in south India. His ancestors were all astrologers in the service of then Ramanathapuram samasthana kings. Over several of research he discovered a unique technique in astrology that can pin point exactly which bhava is affected in a person's chart and the remedial measures required to overcome the bad planetary influences. We are happy to partner with him to provide our clients genuine astrology predictions and remedies.
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