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Gochara or transit results for Rasi

Current Date&Time (Indian Standard Time (IST): GMT+05.30Hrs): 14-03-2025 10:48:45

Current Transit Chart

Me Ve(R) Ra Asc

Sun transiting house: 12

Losses and ill health. The sun transits the 12th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This transit is not good for you. The position indicates that there will be sorrow, creation of a situation which causes loss to everything, quarrels and ill-health. Discord/separation with wife/husband, physical injury, expulsion from home, unwanted expenditures, harm to father, heat related diseases, unholy acts, enmity, fever, failure at work are the results of this transit.

Sun aspects house 6. Result of this aspect is Good. Relief from disease

Sun in malefic position. Sun transiting Vedha position to good position 6. The bad results are obstructed to some extent by Moon

Moon transiting house: 6

Freedom from illness. Moon transits the 6th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This favourable transit will make you enjoy wealth, health, comfort, redemption from enemies. Your health may considerably improve. Enemies will surrender, diseases will subside, will derive happiness from journeys are the outcome of this transit. Especially if waning moon (krishna paksha) occupies sixth house inflow of money, help from friends, attainment of desires, happiness from women are the results.

Moon aspects house 12. Result of this aspect is Bad. Expenditure and difficulties

The beneficial result of Moon is obstructed by the Vedha caused by Sun at house 12. So the good results are somehow reduced or completely absent.

Mercury transiting house: 13

Mercury aspects house 7. Result of this aspect is Bad. quarrels

Mercury in malefic position.

Mercury is debilated and may not give good results.

Venus transiting house: 13

Venus aspects house 7. Result of this aspect is Good. Happiness from women

Venus in malefic position.

Venus is exalted and the good results will materialize

Mars transiting house: 4

Displacement from place of work or residence. Mars transits the 4th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This indicates bad results such as fever, digestive troubles, blood discharges and depravity of character. Unwanted expenditure and loss, Blood disorder and related diseases, loss of prestige and pride, theft of gold and other precious from house, fear from fire, accidents from vehicles, wounds from sharp weapons, enmity of relatives, quarrels in house, danger to mother, expulsion from home are the likely results. Be careful about the secret plans against you by enemies, the situation of Mars might induce mental imbalance. Loss of position, stomach disorder, digestive problems, dissentry, death of close relatives, scarcity of food in home are the likely results of this transit.

Mars aspects house 10. Result of this aspect is Good. Gains and growth

Mars in malefic position.

Jupiter transiting house: 3

Ill health. Jupiter transits the 3rd house from your moon sign or Rasi. This position indicates you will quit your place and will meet with obstacles in work. This position indicates misery and unhappiness. Brothers may be affected, unwanted displacement, danger to father, displeasure of relatives, illness, fear of death are the indicators of transit of third house my Jupiter. Also indicate danger to life. If the dasa of Maraka planet is running and age promised by the horoscope is attained death may occur. Imprisonment, diseases, dishonour and low status are expected. May become coward. May loose job, position etc. Trading will not be successful during this period and don't be aggressive in developing business. Physical fatigue, poverty and other harmful results are likely to happen during this transit.

Jupiter aspects house 9. Result of this aspect is

Jupiter in malefic position. Jupiter transiting Vedha position to good position 7. The bad results are obstructed to some extent by Kethu

Saturn transiting house: 12

Wastage of effort and money. Saturn transits the 12th house from your moon sign or Rasi. This not a favourable postion. This is also the first 2.5 year period of Sade sati. Sade sati has just started and the 7.5 years will be a period of rigorous testing of your personality. There may be poverty, wanderings, long journeys and expenditure in journeys, fear, sorrow, unemployment, poverty, obstacles in doing any kind of job/business, if life span is over according to ayurdhaya and maraka dasa is also running this period may be fatal to life. Loss of prestige, mental imbalance, difficulty in taking decisions, separation form wife and children, destruction of cattle, expulsion form home are the likely results of this transit.

Saturn aspects house 6. Result of this aspect is

Saturn in malefic position. Saturn transiting Vedha position to good position 3. The bad results are obstructed to some extent by Jupiter

Saturn is ruling and will improve the good results

Rahu transiting house: 13

Rahu aspects house 7. Result of this aspect is

Rahu in malefic position.

Kethu transiting house: 7


Kethu aspects house 13. Result of this aspect is

Kethu in malefic position.